Core Stability Exercises For Beginners

Core stability exercises are increasingly present in world gyms for one very important reason.

It has become clear that there is no point in strengthening surface muscles if those deepest muscles are not functional enough to support pelvis and the spine during body movement.

Core stability refers to the region of the body within the abdominal wall, the lower back, the pelvis and the diaphragm, and the work these parts do to stabilize the body during movement.

Core Stability Exercises For Beginners

The technical terms for these muscles are transversus abdominus, quadratus lumborum and the internal and external obliques. The diaphragm is the muscle used for breathing and is an essential part of core stability.

These muscles provide support for the pelvis and the spine during body movement. This area needs exercise as it is prone to hold body fats which are difficult to remove.

That is why core stability exercises are essential to having a good body.

Benefits of Core Stability Exercises

Research has proven that core stability training offers many benefits for the body. Having a strong core region lifts the pressure off the lumbar region decreasing the possibility of lower back injury.

Core stability exercises are quite popular in sports programs as well for its role in transferring force between the lower and the upper body. Physical therapists recommend core stability training to improve balance.

The best part about core stability training is that it keeps the body fit. Many people who struggle with weight should consider core stability training as an option to burn body fats.

And since the body’s mid-section is where most of the body fats get stored, these exercises are ideal in targeting the fat build-up.

See also: 7 Minute Workout to Help Burn Fat Fast

Types of Core Stability Training

There are various shapes and forms of core stability training and all should be incorporated into a sound fitness program with proper diet for it to be able to make a dent on a weight loss plan.

This type of training is not the same as crunches or other traditional abdominal exercises that do not improve the stability of the lumbar and pelvic regions, which weaken when one puts on a lot of weight.

Core Stability Free Weights Exercises

One type of cores stability training is free weights and for this, one needs a stable surface for this exercise for improving core power and strength.

Examples of free weights include the bridge, the plank and side plank and the superman. One other excellent core stability exercise is the overhead press, which works out the entire torso.

beginner core stability exercises

These exercises should be performed using only one side of the body to maximize their effects. An example would be one-hand overhead press while standing.

Unstable Surface Training

Another type of core stability exercise is called the unstable surface. There are performed on air discs or balance boards.

These exercises are ideal for posture and most free weight exercises can be turned into an unstable surface exercise. Biceps curs and shoulder extensions can be performed on air discs.

The BOSU balance trainer is another efficient device for core stability improvement. One can perform the plank on their feet and hands using air discs to enhance the physical demand and the core requirements of this unstable surface exercise.

Core Stability Exercises With Ball

Many use the Swiss ball to burn more fats and achieve a good spinal posture. Swiss ball exercises forces the core muscles to move at a higher rate while maintaining spinal posture throughout the session.

The use of a Swiss ball significantly enhances the movement of the core musculature.

The BOSU trainer helps you perform the overhead press, the plank or side plank on a Swiss ball or you may try maintaining balance on the ball with the feet off the ground for shoulder presses, chest presses and curls.

Another core stability exercise is throwing medicine balls and this requires a partner or you can bounce the ball against a wall. A twist to simply throwing the ball is to sit on the floor with the feet crossed and slightly off the floor.

Holding the ball, twist from side to side to work out the abdominal muscles. Other exercises with the medicine ball include one leg twist passes and kneeling passes.

People with considerable body fats in the mid-section should really consider core stability exercises as part of a weight loss regimen.

See also: Cardio Workouts For Abs

Core stability exercises are simple and can one does not have to be in a gym or a fitness center to do them plus they are sure to work out those unwanted flabs in the stomach.

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