Qualifications For Weight Loss Surgery

These past few years, weight loss surgery has increased in popularity as a weight loss option for the severely obese.

In an effort to do something short of a miracle to the pursuit for weight loss, dieters have began searching for weight loss aid that would really work and would really promote weight loss.

For that purpose, they made weight loss surgeries an option. Like other surgeries, weight loss surgeries also inevitably come with certain loopholes in the sense that it has many hazards to offer.

Scientifically, weight loss surgeries are proven to be effective when done properly by the surgeon; and when the dieter/patient is following directions keenly.

But even though there is an acceptable success rate of weight loss surgery patients, some people would rather rule out this option because of the said hazards that it may bring.

Weight Loss Surgery Qualifications

In spite of this however, it is important to remember that this procedure is not for everyone.

If you are considering this as a weight loss solution, you should first find out if you are a good candidate for it.

requirements for weight loss surgery

Here are the key factors that will help you determine if weight loss surgery (like the LAP-BAND System) is for you.

BMI For Weight Loss Surgery

Body mass index is the primary method of determining an individual’s level of obesity.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) set the body mass index (BMI) requirements for weight loss surgery to be as follows.

BMI of at least 40 or body weight of at least 100 pounds over ideal weight.

BMI between 35 and 39 may be considered if suffering from at least one obesity-related health condition including, but not limited to, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, depression and high cholesterol.

A BMI calculator can help you find out to which of the following BMI classifications you belong.

  • Healthy Body Weight – BMI from 18.5 to 24.9
  • Overweight – BMI from 25.0 to 29.9
  • Obese – BMI from 30 to 34.9
  • Severely Obese – BMI from 35 to 39.9
  • Morbidly Obese – BMI 40 and above

Failure Of Traditional Weight Loss Methods

Often, surgeons require that patients should have already tried to lose weight through traditional diet and exercise regimens and documented the results before they agree to operate.

There are also cases in which weight loss surgery patients have previously participated in medically supervised weight loss programs.

This documentation of weight loss efforts helps surgeons determine their patients’ level of commitment to weight loss and the lifestyle changes that accompany weight loss surgery.

This information is also required by insurance providers. Before agreeing to fund a weight loss medical procedure, a patient should show proof that he or she has repeatedly tried to lose weight without resorting to surgery.

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Overall Health and Lifestyle

Weight loss surgeons also look into the lifestyle of prospective patients.

Those who smoke, drink or abuse drugs have a much lesser chance of being approved to undergo surgery.

Obviously, these would strongly interfere with the goal of achieving long-term success and improvement of overall health which are the reasons for going through the procedure in the first place.

If you engage in any of the unhealthy habits listed above, it is essential that you get rid of it first before you begin the process.

After surgery, patients are to avoid smoking and illicit drug use. Alcohol consumption is allowed but only on a limited basis.


A commitment to permanent lifestyle changes should be clearly established by prospective weight loss surgery patients.

If truth be told, weight loss surgery is quite a blessing, or so some people say.

But once a dieter fails to instill discipline in him or herself after the surgical procedure, and then the effort that he or she has exerted on the weight loss surgery would only be futile.

Some insurance providers even require that these individuals undergo psychological evaluations. Because weight loss surgery should never be seen as an instant solution to obesity.

Patients need to fully understand the need for them to switch to healthy eating habits and to engage in regular exercise as these play a major role in the recovery process.

In addition, weight loss surgery requires follow up care, thus patients are expected to meet regularly with their doctors and medical specialists, as well as attend support groups.

Weight loss surgery is a major life changing procedure thus both doctors and insurance providers want to make sure that any patient who goes through it is 100% committed to the entire process which will continue on for the rest of his or her life.

Weight Loss Surgery Key Points

The first and ultimate thing that makes dieters want to try out weight loss surgeries is that it can make a miracle effect on the body of a horrendously overweight or obese individual.

Its effect can also be seen immediately; instantaneously. But even so, the dangers of weight loss surgeries are quite undeniable.

Indeed, weight loss surgeries are not a hundred percent safe. Moreover, weight loss surgeries are really quite costly and expensive as well.

The cost of weight loss surgery, depending on exact procedure, is from $15,000 to $25,000.

Lastly, weight loss surgery is recommended for that who are really obese and would not to lose a lot of weight immediately.

But then again, it doesn’t work quite well for those people who have chronic disorders such as heart diseases and diabetes.


Still interested in weight loss surgery? Seriously ponder on all the points that have been discussed here.

If you determine that weight loss surgery is indeed really for you, you may very well be on your way to a better, healthier life.

But take my advice. Exhaust other options first, especially those that can aid in health and wellness.

You can always add some proven fat burner such as Phengold that can help you to melt away your excess fat and avoid surgical procedure.

Only after these options are no longer apt to promote weight loss should you resort to weight loss surgery as a viable option to keep off excess body fat and body weight.

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